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Posted Rds

What Are posted Roads and how it effects Home building

When Spring arrives we hit a season that us builders like to call the POSTED ROAD SEASON. A post rd is marked by usually an orange sign that states no vehicle or 23,000 lb may operate on the rd and you may ask why do they do this and how does it effect builder? The towns post the road because of the ground freezing and thawing when the ground freezes the ground expands when the ground thaws it does so unevenly so some parts are frozen and expanded up and others are soft to when a heavy vehicle would hit an thawed area next to frozen area it would indent the pavement so the towns put a posting up from preventing large trucks from traveling on them their is some exceptions to this rule like oil trucks, trash trucks and city trucks. So this is how it effects the builder if a piece of land or subdivision is located off a posted rd to get equipment in to dig foundation is not allowed to get concrete in to pour foundation wall even to get the materials to build can’t happen. So the question is when do they remove the posting and the answer is when the town feels all the frost has been removed from the road and each town it is up to their own discretion of when they would like to remove so each year we just want till we can get going again